Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chook Update 7/12/11

My chooks are getting really big now and are now 18 weeks old so any day now they might start laying eggs - it's very exciting! I actually thought one may have laid one this morning as before I let them out for the day they were making a heap of noise! But no egg.

One of my chooks has been exploring her flying ability lately but to the frustration of the other two she is the only one that can fly up onto my outdoor furniture - the chair and the table where she started eating my basil seedlings. Their wings are getting clipped again on Friday

I've also bought a grain mix for them and I feed them that out of my hand - 2 of the 3 will eat out of my hand but the other one still wont... yet.

Here they are eating some broccoli leaf

Proudly Queen of the backyard

Watcha lookin up at eh??

You can't reach me nyer nyer!

And then tonight she got up onto the top of the chair - you can see the other chooks below - they are very jealous

Up close through the window


  1. I'd love to have some chooks, but I think my cat would love it more...they look very much at home.

  2. They sure have made themselves at home which is great :) Some cats are ok with chooks but others have their natural instincts kick in and it can end badly
