Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vegie Update 4/12/11

A few weeks ago I dug up a new patch of dirt and planted some vegie seedling, unfortunately these seedlings got attacked by something (I think snails and slugs) and they literally disappeared - it seemed that each morning something would be gone.

This is how the bed ended up - with only 6 corn plants left out of 11 and all my zucchini, capsicum and spring onion plants gone

So what i've done now with that space is leave the corn there that survived and planted a heap of sunflower seeds - lets see if they survive.

So with my seedlings no longer being there I decided that I needed to plant some more, so in Vegie bed #2 I planted some more. I was going to leave this bed empty but decided against that in the end. After 4 days they are all still there

More corn



Out of bed 2 I pulled out two self growing tomato seedlings and transplanted them to the area where I had planted all my tomato seedlings - some of my seedlings didn't quite take. I didn't put milk containers around these as I figured if they grow then they grow - unfortunately one of them has vanished - I expect dug up by the chooks but here is what I transplanted originally

I also bought a Lemonade lemon tree that I am going to espalier - it's bigger than I expect so my espalier frame that I was originally going to do needs to be bigger (the reo behind on wooden posts concreted in the ground) which will still involve wooden poles concreted into the ground but with wire or fishing line run between them for the support. It will be planted in the wine barrel once the structure is done. I pulled all the flowers and about 20 small budding lemons off the plant once I got home - I don't want any fruit on it until at least next year

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