Following on from my post the other day where I cooked a roast chook - I used the bones to create a chicken stock and I then used that in making pumpkin soup today.
To make the stock I bought about 750g of chicken wings, browned them off in some butter in my stock pot and then added the left over chicken carcass from the roast along with a couple of halved brown onions, 3 sticks of celery, 2 carrots, some fresh herbs (oregano, thyme and bay leaves), salt and pepper - cover with hot water from the kettle and leave it on a very gentle simmer for 4-5 hours.
Strain the stock, I put a tea towel in my colander when doing this as it stops the fine bits from the stock going through and you end up with a bowl of freshly made stock
The stock then needs to go into the fridge overnight so that the fat will go to the top and you can then skim it off. The stock under the fat layer will be jelly like - that's normal for home made stock and it will go to liquid again once heated.
All up I ended up with 1.5litres of stock but the amount you end up with really depends on how long you simmer it for and how strong you want it.
The pumpkin soup is just as easy to make. I bought a pumpkin (~2kg's I think it was) from a road side stall last week for soup, so I cut that up with 2 potatoes
And while cutting that up I cooked one brown onion and one leek with some garlic cloves in butter
Put everything into the pot along with some ground cumin and ground corriander and cook for about an hour or until mushy. Whizz it all up with either a hand held wizzy blender or a food processor (my preference) and then pt it back into the pot and mix in as much cream as you want and ta-dah!
All up I've made about 4 litres of soup.
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